User response

Sagot :

Consider the following:

1) If the inequality equation is x + y ≥ any integer,  the graph increasing, the line is solid, the shaded area is above the graph.

2) If the inequality equation is x + y > any integer, the graph is increasing, the line is broken (dash), the shaded area is above the graph.

3) If the inequality equation is x + y ≤ any integer, the graph is decreasing, the line is sold, the shaded area is below the graph.

4.) If the inequality equation is x + y < any integer, the graph is decreasing, the line is broken (dash), the shaded area is below the graph.

5) If the  graph is y> any integer or y≥ any integer, the graph is horizontal, the line is solid for symbol ≥ and broken for symbol >, the shaded area is to the right of the graph.  If it's y≤  or < any integer, the shaded area is to the left of the graph.

6)  If the graph is x > or ≥ any integer, the graph is vertical, the line is solid for ≥ symbol and broken for > symbol, the shaded area is to the right of the graph.  If x < or ≤ any integer, the line is solid for ≤ symbol and broken for < symbol, the shaded is to the left of the graph.